Analyze page for Easywma com - Easywma including statistics, performance, general information and density value.. Entwickler 12 99 USD ★★★★★ Audio conversion made easy! EasyWMA allows you to convert wma, wmv/flv audio, real media, asf, flac and ogg vorbis, shn files to aiff, mp3, m4a or wav so that you can play your favorite songs in iTunes or any other player on your Mac.. EasyWMA has a very simple user interface, full drag and drop support, and can even do batch processing to convert your whole library of wma songs in one click.. Main features - Input formats: asf, flv, flac, ogg vorbis, real media, shn, wav, wma, wmv - Output formats: aiff, m4a, mp3, wav - Extract audio from asf, flv and wmv files - Manual or automatic bit rate selection from source (32-320kbps) - Batch processing - Drag & drop of files and folders - ID3 tags support - iTunes integration Please notice that EasyWMA will not convert DRM protected WMA files purchased online. Slicethepie Bot
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Analyze page for Easywma com - Easywma including statistics, performance, general information and density value.. Entwickler 12 99 USD ★★★★★ Audio conversion made easy! EasyWMA allows you to convert wma, wmv/flv audio, real media, asf, flac and ogg vorbis, shn files to aiff, mp3, m4a or wav so that you can play your favorite songs in iTunes or any other player on your Mac.. EasyWMA has a very simple user interface, full drag and drop support, and can even do batch processing to convert your whole library of wma songs in one click.. Main features - Input formats: asf, flv, flac, ogg vorbis, real media, shn, wav, wma, wmv - Output formats: aiff, m4a, mp3, wav - Extract audio from asf, flv and wmv files - Manual or automatic bit rate selection from source (32-320kbps) - Batch processing - Drag & drop of files and folders - ID3 tags support - iTunes integration Please notice that EasyWMA will not convert DRM protected WMA files purchased online. cea114251b Slicethepie Bot
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